
The Equalitas Certification awarded to Fattoria di Cinciano is the latest result of the company’s commitment to sustainability. For a long time Cinciano has been promoting practices aimed at protecting the environment, respecting workers but also customers, suppliers and the local community.

This recognition confirms the goodness of the choice to base our activity on the three pillars of sustainability: the environmental, the ethical-social and the economic, with the prospect of continuous improvement, made up of new goals, both small and large, that can lead our company, year after year, to keeping up more and more with the times.

Our 150 hectares contain a remarkable biodiversity, made up of vineyards, olive groves, woods, arable land and a rich wildlife. Over the years, skillful management of the farm has made it possible to maintain the typical conformation of the land, to prevent anthropisation, and to reduce the effects of the severe climate changes that are increasingly affecting us. The result is a hillside that is astonishing in its beauty, in which the forest and ancient settlements, crops and centuries-old cypress avenues merge, crossed today as they were a thousand years ago.

The Equalitas Certification is the stage of a journey, which started years ago and which projects Fattoria di Cinciano towards a future of new challenges that we are ready to face with enthusiasm.